The Tallinn Greentech Week consists series of international business events with the main emphasis on promoting cooperation between leading specialists in green technology as well as highlighting the dialogue between European cities and companies.
In 2023, Tallinn will hold the title – European Green Capital. In light of receiving the award, this is the perfect time to think about how we can turn Tallinn into a more environmentally friendly and people-friendly city. In 2023, the city plans to speed up the process of becoming more sustainable and inclusive, cooperate more with citizens, companies and organisations, design a new urban space and raise residents’ awareness about nature and the environment.
An event dedicated to showcasing the latest green technology innovations from around the world and bringing together entrepreneurs and policy-makers to create a more sustainable future.
The Tallinn Greentech Week consists series of international business events with the main emphasis on promoting cooperation between leading specialists in green technology as well as highlighting the dialogue between European cities and companies.
In 2023, Tallinn will hold the title – European Green Capital. In light of receiving the award, this is the perfect time to think about how we can turn Tallinn into a more environmentally friendly and people-friendly city. In 2023, the city plans to speed up the process of becoming more sustainable and inclusive, cooperate more with citizens, companies and organisations, design a new urban space and raise residents’ awareness about nature and the environment.
An event dedicated to showcasing the latest green technology innovations from around the world and bringing together entrepreneurs and policy-makers to create a more sustainable future.
The Tallinn Greentech Week consists series of international business events with the main emphasis on promoting cooperation between leading specialists in green technology as well as highlighting the dialogue between European cities and companies.
In 2023, Tallinn will hold the title – European Green Capital. In light of receiving the award, this is the perfect time to think about how we can turn Tallinn into a more environmentally friendly and people-friendly city. In 2023, the city plans to speed up the process of becoming more sustainable and inclusive, cooperate more with citizens, companies and organisations, design a new urban space and raise residents’ awareness about nature and the environment.
An event dedicated to showcasing the latest green technology innovations from around the world and bringing together entrepreneurs and policy-makers to create a more sustainable future.
The event brings together public and private sector experts, green technology companies, and investors from across Europe. In addition to inspiring speakers, there will be exciting panel discussions where green technology companies will showcase their innovative energy-saving and sustainable solutions.
Location: Cruise Terminal of Tallinn, Logi 4/2 / Tallinn
For GreenEst Summit ticket holders: Investors, Entrepreneurs, Start-ups, Policy-makers, City delegations, Academics.
Panel & discussion session.
The event brings together public and private sector experts, green technology companies, and investors from across Europe. In addition to inspiring speakers, there will be exciting panel discussions where green technology companies will showcase their innovative energy-saving and sustainable solutions.
Location: Cruise Terminal of Tallinn, Logi 4/2 / Tallinn
For GreenEst Summit ticket holders: Investors, Entrepreneurs, Start-ups, Policy-makers, City delegations, Academics.
Panel & discussion session.
Unique opportunity to visit Nexpo Tallinn on Day 0 before anyone else. Possibilty to meet Nexpo Exhibitors without the bustle.
For greentech investors, entrepreneurs, start-ups, policy-makers, city delegations, technology enthusiasts.
Unique opportunity to visit Nexpo Tallinn on Day 0 before anyone else. Possibilty to meet Nexpo Exhibitors without the bustle.
For greentech investors, entrepreneurs, start-ups, policy-makers, city delegations, technology enthusiasts.
Location: Small Hall & Corridor, Creative Hub
An event focusing on tackling the issue of public strategic innovation, implementing smart city tools in a human-centric way and how to connect the public and the private sector.
For city delegates and policy-makers.
Location: Small Hall & Corridor, Creative Hub
An event focusing on tackling the issue of public strategic innovation, implementing smart city tools in a human-centric way and how to connect the public and the private sector.
For city delegates and policy-makers.
Location: Nexpo City – Spotlight Stage
Screening of the keynote speech by Adam Greenfield and Gunther Pauli. Adam is an American urbanist and novelist speaking about the intersection of design, technology and culture.
Gunther Pauli is an entrepreneur and a visionnaire of the concept of blue economy.
For greentech investors, entrepreneurs, start-ups, policy-makers, city delegations, technology enthusiasts.
Educational Programme.
Location: Nexpo City – Spotlight Stage
Screening of the keynote speech by Adam Greenfield and Gunther Pauli. Adam is an American urbanist and novelist speaking about the intersection of design, technology and culture.
Gunther Pauli is an entrepreneur and a visionnaire of the concept of blue economy.
For greentech investors, entrepreneurs, start-ups, policy-makers, city delegations, technology enthusiasts.
Educational Programme.
Rohejuhatus" koos Franz Malmsteniga & tuurid Nexpo giididega.
Eriline programmiosa koolinoortele, kes saavad sissejuhatuse roheteemadesse: mis on rohepööre ja milliseid tehnoloogiaid selleks kasutatakse? Rohejuhatuse teeb õpilastele Franz Malmsten. Sealt sisenetakse koos giidiga Nexpo maailma, kus on võimalik oma silmaga näha tulevikutehnoloogiaid.
Unique and curated program to inspire the younger generation through a compact but potent study visit. Students will recieve a crash-course of the green transition, alternative economic models and green technologies from Franz Malmsten and then embark on a guided tour of Nexpo to see real life changemakers.
Registered classes only: Young enthusiasts, Teachers, Students
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
Rohejuhatus" koos Franz Malmsteniga & tuurid Nexpo giididega.
Eriline programmiosa koolinoortele, kes saavad sissejuhatuse roheteemadesse: mis on rohepööre ja milliseid tehnoloogiaid selleks kasutatakse? Rohejuhatuse teeb õpilastele Franz Malmsten. Sealt sisenetakse koos giidiga Nexpo maailma, kus on võimalik oma silmaga näha tulevikutehnoloogiaid.
Unique and curated program to inspire the younger generation through a compact but potent study visit. Students will recieve a crash-course of the green transition, alternative economic models and green technologies from Franz Malmsten and then embark on a guided tour of Nexpo to see real life changemakers.
Registered classes only: Young enthusiasts, Teachers, Students
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
Exclusive chance for Nexpo exhibitors to pitch their game-changing concepts to potential investors and possible new markets.
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
Exclusive chance for Nexpo exhibitors to pitch their game-changing concepts to potential investors and possible new markets.
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
Nexpo exhibitors & moderated by Eeva Esse.
Exclusive chance for Nexpo exhibitors to pitch their game-changing concepts to potential investors and possible new markets. In English.
Nexpo City - Spotlight Stage
For: Investors, Entrepreneurs, Decision makers, City Delegations, Policy-makers
Nexpo exhibitors & moderated by Eeva Esse.
Exclusive chance for Nexpo exhibitors to pitch their game-changing concepts to potential investors and possible new markets. In English.
Nexpo City - Spotlight Stage
For: Investors, Entrepreneurs, Decision makers, City Delegations, Policy-makers
Moderated by Marek Alliksoo, Estonian Association of Hydrogen Technologies. including speakers from Alexela, Eesti Energia, Port of Tallinn, Tartu City and University of Tartu
A look into new possibilities for the economy by Hydrogen Valley Estonia, the world's first nationwide Hydrogen Valley. What does it mean for the energy transition, what and where are the opportunities, how does it align with Estonia's 2030 plans and how do we create the synergies.
Location: Highlight stage, NEXPO City - Kursi 3 / Tallinn
For NEXPO exhibitors, participants & visitors
Moderated by Marek Alliksoo, Estonian Association of Hydrogen Technologies. including speakers from Alexela, Eesti Energia, Port of Tallinn, Tartu City and University of Tartu
A look into new possibilities for the economy by Hydrogen Valley Estonia, the world's first nationwide Hydrogen Valley. What does it mean for the energy transition, what and where are the opportunities, how does it align with Estonia's 2030 plans and how do we create the synergies.
Location: Highlight stage, NEXPO City - Kursi 3 / Tallinn
For NEXPO exhibitors, participants & visitors
Join this quick 15-minute session led by Namasgo Studio, focusing on health, peak performance and emotional wellness. This session will serve as a nourishing break for your body and mind during our fast-paced event day. Release any stress and tension from your body with gentle stretches and guided breathing techniques followed by an invigorating technique to put you into a strong and energetic peak state.
Lööge kaasa meie 15-minutilise aktiivse sirutuspausiga, mida juhib Namasgo Stuudio, kes keskendub tervisele, optimaalsele sooritusele ja emotsionaalsele heaolule. Sessioon on keha ja vaimu turgutav vaheldus meie tempokas üritustepäevas. Vabastage oma kehast igasugune stress ja pinge õrnade venituste ja juhitud hingamistehnikate abil, millele järgneb virgutav tehnika, et saavutada tugev ja energiline seisund.
Join this quick 15-minute session led by Namasgo Studio, focusing on health, peak performance and emotional wellness. This session will serve as a nourishing break for your body and mind during our fast-paced event day. Release any stress and tension from your body with gentle stretches and guided breathing techniques followed by an invigorating technique to put you into a strong and energetic peak state.
Lööge kaasa meie 15-minutilise aktiivse sirutuspausiga, mida juhib Namasgo Stuudio, kes keskendub tervisele, optimaalsele sooritusele ja emotsionaalsele heaolule. Sessioon on keha ja vaimu turgutav vaheldus meie tempokas üritustepäevas. Vabastage oma kehast igasugune stress ja pinge õrnade venituste ja juhitud hingamistehnikate abil, millele järgneb virgutav tehnika, et saavutada tugev ja energiline seisund.
Location: Highlight stage, NEXPO City - Kursi 3 / Tallinn
For NEXPO exhibitors, participants & visitors. Panel & discussion session.
Presenter for Auve Tech: Deivis Sepp (Head of Operations)
(Future of Urban Commuting panel)
Moderator: TBD
(Panelists are from different areas related to autonomous driving):
Auve Tech - TBD
R&D - VTT - Matti Kutila
Operator - Pendel Mobility - Nicolas Freitag
City of Tampere - Tiia Joki
Panel discussion on the future of urban commuting preceded by an introduction by Auve Tech.
Location: Highlight stage, NEXPO City - Kursi 3 / Tallinn
For NEXPO exhibitors, participants & visitors. Panel & discussion session.
Presenter for Auve Tech: Deivis Sepp (Head of Operations)
(Future of Urban Commuting panel)
Moderator: TBD
(Panelists are from different areas related to autonomous driving):
Auve Tech - TBD
R&D - VTT - Matti Kutila
Operator - Pendel Mobility - Nicolas Freitag
City of Tampere - Tiia Joki
Panel discussion on the future of urban commuting preceded by an introduction by Auve Tech.
Screening of the keynote speech by Elin Hauge, a futurist, artificial intelligence and business specialist.
Screening of the keynote speech by Elin Hauge, a futurist, artificial intelligence and business specialist.
Location: Highlight stage, NEXPO City - Kursi 3 / Tallinn
For NEXPO exhibitors, participants & visitors.
An opportunity for greentech companies to present their ideas to investors and a wider audience.
Location: Highlight stage, NEXPO City - Kursi 3 / Tallinn
For NEXPO exhibitors, participants & visitors.
An opportunity for greentech companies to present their ideas to investors and a wider audience.
80% by 2050 – are our cities ready to accommodate this amount of population by the year 2050? How can it be done holistically and sustainably? What actions are already taken to foster resilient communities? To what extent is data an answer? We focus on cities not only built by the people but also for the people.
Speakers DPD (TBD), TalTech (TBD), Veronika Valk-Siska. Moderator Mark Skljarov from WasteLocker.
80% by 2050 – are our cities ready to accommodate this amount of population by the year 2050? How can it be done holistically and sustainably? What actions are already taken to foster resilient communities? To what extent is data an answer? We focus on cities not only built by the people but also for the people.
Speakers DPD (TBD), TalTech (TBD), Veronika Valk-Siska. Moderator Mark Skljarov from WasteLocker.
Tuleviku linnatransport on hästi läbimõeldud, efektiivne ja erinevate transpordi liikide ühendsüsteem. Mäestiku tingimustes katsetatud on asunud insenerid välja töötama ühe linna ühistranspordi osana õhutramme, mis sobinduvad hästi just lauskmaal paiknevatele suurlinnadele. Nagu on ütlus, et "kui maa peal jääb ruumi väheseks, tuleb minna maa alla või õhku!" Maa alla minek on 5 x kallim, kui "õhku minek". Tutvustan oma ettekandes visiooni milline võiks olla tuleviku linna üks ühistranspordi osa.
Tuleviku linnatransport on hästi läbimõeldud, efektiivne ja erinevate transpordi liikide ühendsüsteem. Mäestiku tingimustes katsetatud on asunud insenerid välja töötama ühe linna ühistranspordi osana õhutramme, mis sobinduvad hästi just lauskmaal paiknevatele suurlinnadele. Nagu on ütlus, et "kui maa peal jääb ruumi väheseks, tuleb minna maa alla või õhku!" Maa alla minek on 5 x kallim, kui "õhku minek". Tutvustan oma ettekandes visiooni milline võiks olla tuleviku linna üks ühistranspordi osa.
Tuleviku linnatransport on hästi läbimõeldud, efektiivne ja erinevate transpordi liikide ühendsüsteem. Mäestiku tingimustes katsetatud on asunud insenerid välja töötama ühe linna ühistranspordi osana õhutramme, mis sobinduvad hästi just lauskmaal paiknevatele suurlinnadele. Nagu on ütlus, et "kui maa peal jääb ruumi väheseks, tuleb minna maa alla või õhku!" Maa alla minek on 5 x kallim, kui "õhku minek". Tutvustan oma ettekandes visiooni milline võiks olla tuleviku linna üks ühistranspordi osa.
Tuleviku linnatransport on hästi läbimõeldud, efektiivne ja erinevate transpordi liikide ühendsüsteem. Mäestiku tingimustes katsetatud on asunud insenerid välja töötama ühe linna ühistranspordi osana õhutramme, mis sobinduvad hästi just lauskmaal paiknevatele suurlinnadele. Nagu on ütlus, et "kui maa peal jääb ruumi väheseks, tuleb minna maa alla või õhku!" Maa alla minek on 5 x kallim, kui "õhku minek". Tutvustan oma ettekandes visiooni milline võiks olla tuleviku linna üks ühistranspordi osa.
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
Kuidas kiiresti areneva liikuvuse kontekstis teha õigeid valikuid tehnoloogia osas. Showcase e-mobiilsuse laadijate näitel. Teeme puust ja punaseks, mis vahe on targal ja rumalal elektriauto laadijal.
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
Kuidas kiiresti areneva liikuvuse kontekstis teha õigeid valikuid tehnoloogia osas. Showcase e-mobiilsuse laadijate näitel. Teeme puust ja punaseks, mis vahe on targal ja rumalal elektriauto laadijal.
Blackbox & Atrium, Creative Hub - Kursi 3 / Tallinn.
A session to set the stage for the rest of the CleanTech Europe Forum and an introduction to the 2023 Cleantech 50 to Watch.
Blackbox & Atrium, Creative Hub - Kursi 3 / Tallinn.
A session to set the stage for the rest of the CleanTech Europe Forum and an introduction to the 2023 Cleantech 50 to Watch.
Nexpo City - Spotlight Stage
Exclusive chance for Nexpo exhibitors to pitch their game-changing concepts to potential investors and possible new markets.
Nexpo City - Spotlight Stage
Exclusive chance for Nexpo exhibitors to pitch their game-changing concepts to potential investors and possible new markets.
Location: Cauldron Hall, Creative Hub
Welcoming session for all GreenTech Week participants to set the tone for the upcoming week
For Cleantech Forum Europe and Smart Cities Convention participants.
Location: Cauldron Hall, Creative Hub
Welcoming session for all GreenTech Week participants to set the tone for the upcoming week
For Cleantech Forum Europe and Smart Cities Convention participants.
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
Musical performances to end the day at Nexpo
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
Musical performances to end the day at Nexpo
Networking session about the Future of Mobility.
Fun and informal networking event for industry people and/or founders.
Location: Telliskivi 60m, 10412 Tallinn
Networking session about the Future of Mobility.
Fun and informal networking event for industry people and/or founders.
Location: Telliskivi 60m, 10412 Tallinn
Blackbox, Creative Hub - Kursi 3 / Tallinn.
Blackbox, Creative Hub - Kursi 3 / Tallinn.
Blackbox, Creative Hub - Kursi 3 / Tallinn.
Maria Vassilakou, former Deputy Mayor of Vienna, who found herself in the middle of a (huge) mess when pedestrianizing Europe’s longest shopping street.
Jonas Schorr, partner at Berlin-based Urban Impact, who had been at the epicenter of Berlin’s smart city ecosystem and seen his fair share of failure.
Annika Arras is founder and managing director of Miltton Nordics and previously managed three successful national Estonian election campaigns in a row.
F*ck Up Night is the kick-off event for Tallinn Greentech Week.
The green transformation is well under way in cities, businesses, and organizations around the world. Luckily. It is passionate leaders, change makers, entrepreneurs, and people of all sorts who work, experiment, test and implement projects to fast forward sustainability. But while we constantly hear so-called “best practice cases”, we actually hear very little about the things going wrong. Still – we all know: they happen. All the time. Everywhere.
This FuckUp Night celebrates the very failures and mistakes made in the green transition. Meet three exceptional leaders and hear their very personal stories of disaster and how we can learn from them.
Blackbox, Creative Hub - Kursi 3 / Tallinn.
Maria Vassilakou, former Deputy Mayor of Vienna, who found herself in the middle of a (huge) mess when pedestrianizing Europe’s longest shopping street.
Jonas Schorr, partner at Berlin-based Urban Impact, who had been at the epicenter of Berlin’s smart city ecosystem and seen his fair share of failure.
Annika Arras is founder and managing director of Miltton Nordics and previously managed three successful national Estonian election campaigns in a row.
F*ck Up Night is the kick-off event for Tallinn Greentech Week.
The green transformation is well under way in cities, businesses, and organizations around the world. Luckily. It is passionate leaders, change makers, entrepreneurs, and people of all sorts who work, experiment, test and implement projects to fast forward sustainability. But while we constantly hear so-called “best practice cases”, we actually hear very little about the things going wrong. Still – we all know: they happen. All the time. Everywhere.
This FuckUp Night celebrates the very failures and mistakes made in the green transition. Meet three exceptional leaders and hear their very personal stories of disaster and how we can learn from them.
Cauldron Hall & Atrium, Creative Hub - Kursi 3 / Tallinn.
Informal mingling and networking with drinks, DJ-s and Ellip & Teele Viira.
Cauldron Hall & Atrium, Creative Hub - Kursi 3 / Tallinn.
Informal mingling and networking with drinks, DJ-s and Ellip & Teele Viira.
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
"Rohejuhatus" koos Franz Malmsteniga & tuurid Nexpo giididega.
Eriline programmiosa koolinoortele, kes saavad sissejuhatuse roheteemadesse: mis on rohepööre, millised on alternatiivsed majandusmudelid ja milliseid tehnoloogiaid selleks kasutatakse? Rohejuhatuse teeb õpilastele Franz Malmsten. Sealt sisenetakse koos giidiga Nexpo maailma, kus on võimalik oma silmaga näha tulevikutehnoloogiaid.
*Registered classes only: Young enthusiasts, Teachers, Students
Discussion & Showcasing
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
"Rohejuhatus" koos Franz Malmsteniga & tuurid Nexpo giididega.
Eriline programmiosa koolinoortele, kes saavad sissejuhatuse roheteemadesse: mis on rohepööre, millised on alternatiivsed majandusmudelid ja milliseid tehnoloogiaid selleks kasutatakse? Rohejuhatuse teeb õpilastele Franz Malmsten. Sealt sisenetakse koos giidiga Nexpo maailma, kus on võimalik oma silmaga näha tulevikutehnoloogiaid.
*Registered classes only: Young enthusiasts, Teachers, Students
Discussion & Showcasing
Location: Cauldron Hall, Creative Hub
For Cleantech Forum Europe participants.
Location: Cauldron Hall, Creative Hub
For Cleantech Forum Europe participants.
Creative Hub Halls, Creative Hub - Kursi 3 / Tallinn.
Creative Hub Halls, Creative Hub - Kursi 3 / Tallinn.
Field day for Smart Cities Convention participants. Opprotunity to visit the most forward-thinking sites and organisations in Tallinn.
Site-visits & Nexpo City
Field day for Smart Cities Convention participants. Opprotunity to visit the most forward-thinking sites and organisations in Tallinn.
Site-visits & Nexpo City
Location: Small Hall & Corridor, Creative Hub.
Location: Small Hall & Corridor, Creative Hub.
Location: Highlight stage, NEXPO City.
For greentech enthusiasts and students from Estonia and Finland.
Negavatt ja Kliimaministeeriumi Noorte Keskkonnanõukogu, jooga Yoko Alenderiga.
Negavati noortepäeval saab alustada hommikut koos joogaga ja venitada ennast päevaks lahti koos Yoko Alenderiga; saada teada, millised sõnumid võetakse noorte poolt kaasa ÜRO kliimakonverentsile; mõtiskleda koos CleanTechi tuleviku üle; saada vastused oma kõige põletavamatele küsimustele arutelukohvikus; vabastada oma vaim ja kogutud mõtted päeva lõpus ühismaalides lõuendile ja saada osa suurepärasest seltskonnast!
Location: Highlight stage, NEXPO City.
For greentech enthusiasts and students from Estonia and Finland.
Negavatt ja Kliimaministeeriumi Noorte Keskkonnanõukogu, jooga Yoko Alenderiga.
Negavati noortepäeval saab alustada hommikut koos joogaga ja venitada ennast päevaks lahti koos Yoko Alenderiga; saada teada, millised sõnumid võetakse noorte poolt kaasa ÜRO kliimakonverentsile; mõtiskleda koos CleanTechi tuleviku üle; saada vastused oma kõige põletavamatele küsimustele arutelukohvikus; vabastada oma vaim ja kogutud mõtted päeva lõpus ühismaalides lõuendile ja saada osa suurepärasest seltskonnast!
Nexpo City - Spotlight Stage
Exclusive chance for Nexpo exhibitors to pitch their game-changing concepts to potential investors and possible new markets.
11.00-12.00 Exhibito's Pitching - Exclusive chance for Nexpo exhibitors to pitch their game-changing concepts to potential investors and possible new markets.
12.00-12.30 Motivational session - It's about energy! (EST: Asi on energias!) Speaker: Killu Kolsar
12.30-13-00 Joy & Success: A 15-Minute Wellness Break with Namasgo with Visualisation Technique to Create Momentum and Clarity. Speakers: Kaisa Kangro and Kai Auger
(EST: Rõõm ja edu: 15-minutiline Namasgo visualiseerimistehnika eduka visiooni loomiseks)
13.00-14.00 Exhibito's Pitching - Exclusive chance for Nexpo exhibitors to pitch their game-changing concepts to potential investors and possible new markets.
Nexpo City - Spotlight Stage
Exclusive chance for Nexpo exhibitors to pitch their game-changing concepts to potential investors and possible new markets.
11.00-12.00 Exhibito's Pitching - Exclusive chance for Nexpo exhibitors to pitch their game-changing concepts to potential investors and possible new markets.
12.00-12.30 Motivational session - It's about energy! (EST: Asi on energias!) Speaker: Killu Kolsar
12.30-13-00 Joy & Success: A 15-Minute Wellness Break with Namasgo with Visualisation Technique to Create Momentum and Clarity. Speakers: Kaisa Kangro and Kai Auger
(EST: Rõõm ja edu: 15-minutiline Namasgo visualiseerimistehnika eduka visiooni loomiseks)
13.00-14.00 Exhibito's Pitching - Exclusive chance for Nexpo exhibitors to pitch their game-changing concepts to potential investors and possible new markets.
Nexpo City - Spotlight Stage
Interactive talk on stage and with the audience about how we can overcome the issues of single-use plastics in the Baltic Sea region, and what are the best ways forward.
Interaktiivne vestlus laval ja publikuga ühekorraplastiga seotud probleemidest ning sellest, mida teha plastijäätmete vähendamiseks Läänemere piirkonnas.
Nexpo City - Spotlight Stage
Interactive talk on stage and with the audience about how we can overcome the issues of single-use plastics in the Baltic Sea region, and what are the best ways forward.
Interaktiivne vestlus laval ja publikuga ühekorraplastiga seotud probleemidest ning sellest, mida teha plastijäätmete vähendamiseks Läänemere piirkonnas.
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
Nexpo City - Spotlight Stage
Panel & discussion session
Smart, Green and Healthy Ülemiste City
How to create a human-friendly urban space in a business campus? How does the community understand the environmental impact of mobility? How to influence people's behavior?
With Fyma, Bikeep, Activate and Telia we’ll showcase how to collect mobility data and organize impactful (environmental) interventions.
Nexpo City - Spotlight Stage
Panel & discussion session
Smart, Green and Healthy Ülemiste City
How to create a human-friendly urban space in a business campus? How does the community understand the environmental impact of mobility? How to influence people's behavior?
With Fyma, Bikeep, Activate and Telia we’ll showcase how to collect mobility data and organize impactful (environmental) interventions.
This event brings together ITS Estonia member companies who will have the chance to showcase their innovative ideas and solutions through pitching session.
During the event, companies will have the platform to present their projects, products, and services related to smart and sustainable city initiatives, allowing them to highlight their expertise, achievements, and future plans. It provides a unique opportunity for participants to exchange knowledge, explore potential collaborations, and stay updated on the latest trends and advancements in the field.
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
This event brings together ITS Estonia member companies who will have the chance to showcase their innovative ideas and solutions through pitching session.
During the event, companies will have the platform to present their projects, products, and services related to smart and sustainable city initiatives, allowing them to highlight their expertise, achievements, and future plans. It provides a unique opportunity for participants to exchange knowledge, explore potential collaborations, and stay updated on the latest trends and advancements in the field.
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
Highlight stage, NEXPO City.
This event brings together ITS Estonia member companies who will have the chance to showcase their innovative ideas and solutions through pitching session.
During the event, companies will have the platform to present their projects, products, and services related to smart and sustainable city initiatives, allowing them to highlight their expertise, achievements, and future plans. It provides a unique opportunity for participants to exchange knowledge, explore potential collaborations, and stay updated on the latest trends and advancements in the field.
Highlight stage, NEXPO City.
This event brings together ITS Estonia member companies who will have the chance to showcase their innovative ideas and solutions through pitching session.
During the event, companies will have the platform to present their projects, products, and services related to smart and sustainable city initiatives, allowing them to highlight their expertise, achievements, and future plans. It provides a unique opportunity for participants to exchange knowledge, explore potential collaborations, and stay updated on the latest trends and advancements in the field.
Robotex näitab erinevaid demo võistlusi, mida saab näha suurürituse Robotex International ajal 17.11 - 18.11 Unibet Arenal. Näitame rahvale maailmas tuntud Folkrace võistlust ja joonejärgimise võistlust ning kirjeldame mida robootika saab teha rohelisema tuleviku tarbeks. Boonusena on võimalik kuulata ka mõnda noorte äriidee konkurssi pitchi.
Robotex näitab erinevaid demo võistlusi, mida saab näha suurürituse Robotex International ajal 17.11 - 18.11 Unibet Arenal. Näitame rahvale maailmas tuntud Folkrace võistlust ja joonejärgimise võistlust ning kirjeldame mida robootika saab teha rohelisema tuleviku tarbeks. Boonusena on võimalik kuulata ka mõnda noorte äriidee konkurssi pitchi.
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
"Taste in Tallinn" Networking Coctail Party
Fun and informal networking event for industry people or founders.
Location: Telliskivi 60m, 10412 Tallinn
"Taste in Tallinn" Networking Coctail Party
Fun and informal networking event for industry people or founders.
Location: Telliskivi 60m, 10412 Tallinn
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
Widenski & Inga
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
Widenski & Inga
Blackbox & Atrium, Creative Hub - Kursi 3 / Tallinn.
Action-packed day filled with different sessions covering the most relevant greentech topics.
Small Hall & Corridor, Creative Hub - Kursi 3 / Tallinn.
The conference, focuses on Green Public Procurement (GPP) as a vital policy tool for achieving Green Governance. It explores the potential and challenges of making procurement more environmentally friendly. Representatives from Baltic Sea region municipalities, including Stockholm, Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga, and others, share best practices and ambitions for greening procurement.
In english.
Highlight stage, NEXPO City
TalTech, EBS, ETA
For universities, city delegates, companies and technology enthusiasts.
EBS: Innovative idea journey in the green economy: Opportunities and Challenges for Green Startups
The panel discussion "Innovative idea journey in the green economy: Opportunities and Challenges for Green Startups" brings to the forefront the intricate balance between sustainability and entrepreneurial success. Our diverse panelists, including seasoned accelerator representatives, visionary startup founders, and savvy investors, will provide a 360-degree perspective on what it takes to thrive in the burgeoning Cleantech sector. These industry stalwarts will share invaluable insights on the vital role of the Cleantech cluster in nurturing and supporting the green startup ecosystem.
The panel will unravel the complex problems startups face, from stringent regulations and compliance to the challenges of scaling in a highly competitive market. Expert panelists will discuss the high costs and financial barriers that green startups encounter and explore strategies to overcome these hurdles. Attendees will gain an understanding of the opportunities that lie within these challenges and how to pivot them into advantages. The conversation will also highlight success stories, offering attendees inspiration and practical advice for navigating the green economy landscape.
This engaging session is essential for anyone interested in the green economy, from entrepreneurs and environmental advocates to investors looking to make a positive impact through sustainable ventures.
Green Tech Morning by TalTech
Green Skills for the Future by TalTech - What sort of skills are needed today for the jobs of the future? Green Transition - The Exponential Curve of Upskilling
Technologies & Trends?
Connecting with the Raw Materials Industry - EIT RawMaterials is the largest innovation network in Europe. It provides a collaborative environment for disruptive and breakthrough innovations by connecting more than 300 partners from industry, academia, research, and investment.
STARTERTallinn Autumn 2023 Demo Day - The final evaluation of teams within the business idea development program STARTERtallinn
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
"Rohejuhatus" koos Franz Malmsteniga & tuurid Nexpo giididega
Eriline programmiosa koolinoortele, kes saavad sissejuhatuse roheteemadesse: mis on rohepööre, millised on alternatiivsed majandusmudelid ja milliseid tehnoloogiaid selleks kasutatakse? Rohejuhatuse teeb õpilastele Franz Malmsten. Sealt sisenetakse koos giidiga Nexpo maailma, kus on võimalik oma silmaga näha tulevikutehnoloogiaid.
Unique and curated program to inspire the younger generation through a compact but potent study visit. Students will recieve a crash-course of the green transition, alternative economic models and green technologies form a renowned spokesperson and then embark on a guided tour of Nexpo to see real life changemakers.
Registered classes only: Young enthusiasts, Teachers, Students
Nexpo City - Spotlight Stage
Exclusive chance for Nexpo exhibitors to pitch their game-changing concepts to potential investors and possible new markets.
Nexpo City - Spotlight Stage
Discussion & Showcasing
This panel discussion delves into the pressing challenges within the Novel Foods sector, with a specific focus on the ardent need to replace palm oil, coconut oil, and animal fats with sustainable and healthier alternatives, a solution by ÄIO. Featuring Gelatex Technologies, a cutting-edge materials technology company known for its high-throughput production of nanofibrous materials, the session will highlight their journey, invention stories, and the formidable obstacles they've encountered in this traditional industry.
Alongside, Accelerate Estonia, a government innovation lab, will shed light on their collaborative efforts with NovelFoods and elucidate the significance of driving transformative changes within this field. This panel promises valuable insights into the innovative solutions and partnerships shaping the future of the NovelFoods sector.
Ringmajanduse jaoks on väga oluline kestlik jäätmemajandus. Seminaril tutvustavad teadlased ja ettevõtjad mitmeid uuenduslikke tehnoloogiaid tahkete jäätmete väärindamiseks, Kliimaministeeriumi esindaja annab ülevaate riiklikust jäätmekavast ning ettekannetele järgnevas vestlusringis arutletakse, kuidas tulevikus Eestis jäätmeid paremini kasutada.
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
Discussion & Showcasing
Energy communities will be an integral part of our energy systems. Only by engaging citizens we can make the renewable energy transition happen. In our capacity building lab we look into EU and National legislative context, inform participants about the available sources of EU public funds that could be used to support energy communities, outline the best practices for successful partnership models leading to the mutual empowerment of city government and civil society organisations.
Nexpo City - Spotlight Stage
Exclusive chance for Nexpo exhibitors to pitch their game-changing concepts to potential investors and possible new markets.
Nexpo City - Spotlight Stage
Exclusive chance for Nexpo exhibitors to pitch their game-changing concepts to potential investors and possible new markets.
Cauldron Hall, Creative Hub.
For Cleantech Estonia partners.
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
Musical performances to end the day at Nexpo
Daniel Levi Duo
Small Hall & Corridor, Creative Hub - Kursi 3 / Tallinn.
Unofficial networking and activities at Iglupark.
Fun and informal networking event for industry people or founders.
Location: Lennusadama 7, Tallinn, 10411, Estonia
Meeting point for cleantech founders and greentech industry people.
Location: Blackbox & Atrium, Creative Hub - Kursi 3 / Tallinn.
Blackbox Hall, Creative Hub
The "An Elephant in the Room" forum addresses the pressing need to reevaluate our current unsustainable economic model, characterized by infinite growth driven by GDP, which harms nature by depleting its resources. This forum marks a significant shift towards openly discussing alternative economic systems that prioritize environmental sustainability and support nature's recovery. It aims to inspire Estonian decision-makers, change managers, entrepreneurs, and public sector leaders to explore and implement new models that align with the green transition, fostering a competitive and sustainable future for the Estonian economy.
For greentech investors, entrepreneurs, start-ups, policy-makers, city delegations, technology enthusiasts
Highlight stage, NEXPO City
For greentech investors, entrepreneurs, start-ups.
Public presentations from mentors, One on one interactions: startups & mentors.
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
Unique and curated program to inspire the younger generation through a compact but potent study visit. Students will recieve a crash-course of the green transition, alternative economic models and green technologies form a renowned spokesperson and then embark on a guided tour of Nexpo to see real life changemakers.
Eriline programmiosa koolinoortele, kes saavad sissejuhatuse roheteemadesse: mis on rohepööre, millised on alternatiivsed majandusmudelid ja milliseid tehnoloogiaid selleks kasutatakse? Rohejuhatuse teeb õpilastele Franz Malmsten. Sealt sisenetakse koos giidiga Nexpo maailma, kus on võimalik oma silmaga näha tulevikutehnoloogiaid. (ENG kommentaaris)
Beamline Mentorship day will come with trusted mentors, fiery panel discussions and Beamline's own Batch #4 Demos.
9-10 Intro to Beamline Mentorship day by Jana Budkovskaja (Beamline CEO) and announcement from Inno Energy.
10-11 Panel discussion The future of GreenTech VC
11-12 TBA
12-13 Lunch
13-14 Reverse Pitch
14-15 Demo day by Batch #4
15-16 Panel discussion with CRF
16-17 TBA
17-19 Pitch by Beamline
Location: Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
Nexpo City - Spotlight Stage
Exclusive chance for Nexpo exhibitors to pitch their game-changing concepts to potential investors and possible new markets.
Pitching & Showcasing
Join the Baltic Sustainability Awards warm-up event in Tallinn hosted in partnership with Beamline Accelerator and KIIND Agency to discover current trends in sustainability innovation. Panel discussion: Impact Innovations Across Industries. Join us for a panel discussion together with Alar Lükk, CFO of Zero Terraine, a groundbreaking energy storage enterprise, CSR Estonia board member Rene Tammist and CEO at Rimi Eesti Food, Kristel Mets. These experts, with diverse backgrounds and experiences, will converge to elucidate the pivotal question: "Why, How, What?" of corporate sustainability. B Corp workshop: Holistic approach to sustainability hosted by Zane Valujeva, KIIND Agency. This workshop is meticulously designed to equip individuals and organizations with the knowledge, tools, and inspiration necessary to effect real change on our planet. In a time where sustainability is paramount, this workshop offers a comprehensive roadmap not only for driving positive change but also for fostering a culture of responsible stewardship.
Location: Nexpo City - Spotlight Stage
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
Just like The Voice but for teams in the Beamline Accelerator. A fun and entertaining event to show the ins and outs of the startup world to everyone.
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
"The Pitch" is a dynamic and interactive game, combining the excitement of a startup pitch with the unpredictability of live feedback. May the best pitches win!
Nexpo City - Highlight Stage
Musical performances to end the day at Nexpo
Cauldron Hall, Creative Hub
Produced by Tallinn