Estonian Maritime Cluster (EMC) is a dynamic and innovative network of maritime industry professionals, companies, and organisations working together to promote the growth and innovation of Estonia’s maritime sector.
Estonian Maritime Cluster (EMC) is a dynamic and innovative network of maritime industry professionals, companies, and organisations working together to promote the growth and innovation of Estonia’s maritime sector.
Eesti Merendusklastri kevadine Strateegiapäev toob kokku klastri liikmed ja merendussektori võtmetegijad, et arutada sektori tulevikku, leida uusi rahastusvõimalusi ning töötada ühiselt välja ekspordistrateegiad.
Päev koosneb kolmest põhiosast:
• Üldkoosolek – ainult klastri liikmetele
• Innovatsioon ja rahastus
• Ekspordistrateegia töötoad
Tule ja aita kujundada Eesti merendust, üheskoos saavutame rohkem!
Eesti Merendusklastri kevadine Strateegiapäev toob kokku klastri liikmed ja merendussektori võtmetegijad, et arutada sektori tulevikku, leida uusi rahastusvõimalusi ning töötada ühiselt välja ekspordistrateegiad.
Päev koosneb kolmest põhiosast:
• Üldkoosolek – ainult klastri liikmetele
• Innovatsioon ja rahastus
• Ekspordistrateegia töötoad
Tule ja aita kujundada Eesti merendust, üheskoos saavutame rohkem!
An annual flagship event organised by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), SMW brings together global maritime leaders and industry captains to discuss key issues and developments in the sector. It is also a platform to demonstrate latest technologies and innovations, as well as to facilitate networking and collaboration among all stakeholders.
An annual flagship event organised by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), SMW brings together global maritime leaders and industry captains to discuss key issues and developments in the sector. It is also a platform to demonstrate latest technologies and innovations, as well as to facilitate networking and collaboration among all stakeholders.
Join us for our 40th anniversary on 07-10 April 2025 in Miami! Connect with the world’s cruise community, explore key trends and discover cutting-edge strategies from cruise industry leaders.
Join us for our 40th anniversary on 07-10 April 2025 in Miami! Connect with the world’s cruise community, explore key trends and discover cutting-edge strategies from cruise industry leaders.
Estonian Maritime Cluster (EMC) is a dynamic and innovative network of maritime industry professionals, companies, and organisations working together to promote the growth and innovation of Estonia’s maritime sector.