Tuleva aasta riigieelarve prioriteetideks on: Eesti sõjaline ja laiapindne riigikaitse
majanduskasv, rohereformid ja riigi rahanduse korrastamine
Ukraina toetamine
Eesti kaitse-eelarve ületab 2024. aastal esimest korda kolme protsendi piiri, jõudes 3,2 protsendini SKPst, ning riik panustab riigikaitsesse üle 1,3 miljardi euro.
Samuti püsib riigieelarves kokkulepe eraldada teadusrahastusele 1% SKPst.
Eestikeelsele haridusele üleminekuks on ette nähtud 71,9 miljonit ning õpetajate palgatõusuks ligi 24 miljonit eurot.
Põhilised vundamendid 2024 aasta eelarves on:
julgeolek, haridus, majanduskasv (rohereform)
• 2024 aasta riigieelarve kui ka nelja aasta eelarvestrateegia fookuses on Eesti riigikaitse – nii sõjaline kui ka laiapindne. Panustame riigikaitsesse 1,3 miljardit eurot. Julgeoleku tagamise kõrval suuname 2024 majandusse investeeringute ja investeeringutoetustena koguni 1,9 miljardit eurot.
• Eesti julgeoleku seisukohast on ka oluline eestikeelsele haridusele üleminek, suuname sinna lisaks 27 miljonit eurot ehk kokku on eestikeelsele haridusele üleminekuks järgmisel aastal 71,9 miljonit eurot.
• Suuname teadus- ja arendustegevusse 1% SKP-st ca 400 miljonit.
• Ukraina toetamine on valitsusele jätkuvalt prioriteet. Oleme kokku leppinud, et Eesti jätkab Ukraina toetamist tulemaks toime Venemaa agressiooni mõjudega.
• Lisaks rohereformidele suunatakse investeeringuteks üle miljardi euro.
Therefore, my sphere of activity is the climate policy. Estonia has committed itself to the target of climate neutrality. The activities that contribute to achieving this target have to be led, and fellow citizens should be inspired. In addition, entrepreneurship and challenges of education are also my priorities.
I was born in 1981 in Tallinn, but grew up in the city of Keila. I graduated from Keila high school and in 2004 from the internal defense academy, majoring in police. After my studies at the Internal Defense Academy, I worked for 10 years in the Police and Border Guard Board in various positions: in the criminal police, then as a constable of the city of Keila, and later I headed the Keila constable station for three years. For 23 years, I have been working as a high-level basketball referee, also internationally. In the years 2012–2021, I worked in the Keila city government as an assistant mayor, managing the economic and communal areas, and from January 2021 I am a member of the Riigikogu.
Enno Fels , mayor of Keila.
"I had a great cooperation with Timo in Keila City Government. Timo knows well the everyday life and concerns of Harju County municipalities. Keilaka and the residents of neighboring municipalities will benefit from Timo representing us in the Riigikogu."
I applied for the Riigikogu in 2019 and started working as a substitute member on January 27, 2021. I have been asked a lot why I became a member of the Riigikogu - you can't have a say there. During this time, I have proved to myself and to others that by being active and with firm positions, it is possible to implement your thoughts and ideas. Whether it is speaking out in the industrial field, standing up for the business environment or making bold statements in the field of energy for the introduction of new types of energy.
Erki Fels , attorney-at-law
"Timo talks little, does a lot, is specific and straightforward. Knows Keila better than any other candidate. He has both the experience of managing a municipality and the experience of a member of the Riigikogu. This means that local concerns will not remain foreign or distant to him in Toompea."
A good business environment has always been important to me as one of the foundations of the country's functioning. I also plan to stand for the improvement of a good economic and business environment in the future. Today's industry amplifies the innovation intensity of the economy and accelerates the green revolution. I consider it important to stand up for the industry, which makes a big contribution to economic growth .
I have shown myself to be a strong leader in the city of Keila. I am not afraid of innovations and I am ready to work hard for a better result. A new plan is needed for energy and education policies, which greatly affect the industry of the future, especially the growth of engineers.
I have been involved in local government work for eight years and worked in the Riigikogu for almost two years. In view of the experience gained, I want that in the future in Estonia, administration would be easy and bureaucracy would be reduced. In the current security situation, I consider the planning speed in energy to be a big problem. Quick decisions must be made that would ensure better security of supply and, together with the growth of storage possibilities, make Estonia an energy exporting country.
I consider it important that we correct the mistakes made in the tax system in 2018. Today's losers are people earning between 1,200 and 2,100 euros, who have to give up a large part of their income every month. With the uniform tax system proposed by the Reform Party, people would gain approximately 1,600 euros per year.
The Reform Party is proposing a right-wing, liberal solution to combating price rises: let's give people more of their hard-earned money so they can decide where to spend it. The measures to support people in recent years have primarily been for people with lower incomes - we increased the income tax-free minimum, pensions and subsistence allowance. To this end, we have two proposals: firstly, we will eliminate the tax hump that eats up the salary increase of people with an income of 1,200-2,100 euros, and secondly, we will increase the income tax exemption to 700 euros per month.
Hannes Ojangu
HEAK, member of the board
"Timo Suslov - a reliable cooperation partner!
I have been working with Timo for over four years. I can confirm that Timo is a very strong cooperation partner. Timo is a person who always does and wants more than what is prescribed by any regulation or job description. The result is important for Timo! If there is a result, then the process to achieve it is also worth it. In addition, Timo is a fast learner. It is not a problem for him to admit if he does not know too much about some field or topic, but at the same time he picks up and makes the topic clear to himself quickly.
Also, Timo's courage to initiate new projects with great potential deserves recognition, but not always, perhaps a positive result cannot be guaranteed right from the start. There are few such politicians!
Timo is a person who believes that the foundation of people's well-being and the country's internal security is a strong and competitive economic environment and that the biggest driver of innovation is the modern manufacturing industry. The development of this sector must also be coordinated and supported at the state level.
I would also highlight Timo's personality traits such as honesty and directness! He doesn't just spin, he says directly what his point of view is.
Based on his cooperation experience so far, Timo would be characterized in one word - statesmanlike! He cares about the long-term good fortune of the Estonian state!
Security, economic growth and people's well-being are important areas, and I intend to make sure that we are a safe and wisely-led country. In my country, my Estonia, minorities and allies in Europe and NATO are not insulted. Estonia belongs to the European Union and NATO, Estonia is an independent country, and I don't care what color flag flies in the Pika Hermann tower. My Estonian flag is blue, black and white.
Choose the Estonian Reform Party!
Choose Estonia in safe hands!
Choose Timo Suslov!
Member of the Riigikogu