We’re supporting locally-led initiatives to conserve the environment and uplift communities in the Virunga Mountains of East Africa. From organic agriculture to banana bark woven baskets, see how we’re making a difference, together.
We believe in community-driven sustainable development. Red Rocks Initiative supports locally-led environmental conservation and sustainable tourism initiatives. Our initiatives provide viable livelihoods for local communities and have the power to lift underserved communities out of poverty and instill in them a sense of purpose and pride. We rely on the expertise and commitment of both local and international partners to achieve our goals.
Red Rocks Initiative is registered as an NGO with the Rwanda Governance Board with a Certificate of Legal personality N° 765/RGB/NGO/LP/11/2021. We are also a member of the Rwanda Climate Change and Development Network and the Rwanda Environment NGO’s Forum.
Our sister organization, RedRocks Rwanda is a social enterprise and cultural center offering camp facilities, eco-tours, and philanthropic opportunities.