A hugely successful mistake! We created this recipe out of necessity when a different batch did not go as planned, and we love the result. Named for Joyce's Ulysses, the Bloomsday is firmer than many of our cheeses with a cheddary acidity balanced with a touch of sweetness. Bloomsday is a perfect addition to any cheese plate and it makes a delicious sandwich or grilled cheese. An excellent substitute for medium cheddar or Spanish Manchego, Bloomsday is one of our most popular cheeses! Pairs well with fig jam, sour dough bread, medium bodied red wines, and amber lager. Aged 6-7 months.
Keeping dairy cows may be worth trying to expand the horizons of your homestead. The cows will supply you and your family with homegrown milk and dairy products while teaching your children valuable life lessons. In addition, owning dairy cows can provide a second source of income if you are interested in selling milk and dairy products at the market
On an 1,800-acre farm just south of the Illinois-Wisconsin border, the Hildebrandt family continues a legacy of dairy farming that goes back four generations. Run by married couple Ken and Amy Hildebrant and Ken’s brother, Don, Hildebrandt Farms produces the delicious milk for McDonald’s soft serve at local restaurants across Illinois and Wisconsin.
Each of the 800 cows at Hildebrandt Farms enjoys the care of a professional nutritionist and veterinarian.
The milk from Hildebrandt’s family-run dairy ends up in some of the soft serve ice cream at McDonald’s locations throughout a 150-mile radius from the farm.